A blog about products to buy, things to make, food to eat, and places to go.


Let’s Make Homemade Playdough!
Kids Corner Andrea Jordan Kids Corner Andrea Jordan

Let’s Make Homemade Playdough!

Making homemade playdough is a fun and easy activity that you can do with your children or by yourself. It is sure to help cure boredom blues. Playdough has been a beloved children's toy for generations, but its history is rooted in practicality rather than play.

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Let’s Make a Pinwheel
Kids Corner Andrea Jordan Kids Corner Andrea Jordan

Let’s Make a Pinwheel

The pinwheel is a simple toy consisting of a stick with paper or plastic blades that rotate in the wind. It is believed to have originated in China during the Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE) as a child's toy. It was also used by farmers to measure wind direction and strength.

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Creating a Sangria
Food and Drink Andrea Jordan Food and Drink Andrea Jordan

Creating a Sangria

Sangria is a traditional drink from Spain that has been enjoyed for centuries. Its origins are not entirely clear, but it is believed to have been created as a way to make wine more palatable and refreshing during the hot summers in Spain.

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Breath In, Breath Out – Yoga
Fitness Andrea Jordan Fitness Andrea Jordan

Breath In, Breath Out – Yoga

The origins of yoga can be traced back to ancient India, around 5000 years ago. The word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit word “yuj,” which means to unite or to join. Yoga was originally developed as a spiritual practice that aimed to unite the mind, body, and spirit in order to achieve a state of inner peace and harmony.

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Benefits of Lower Impact Workouts?
Fitness Andrea Jordan Fitness Andrea Jordan

Benefits of Lower Impact Workouts?

There are several benefits of lower impact workouts, which are exercises that involve less force and stress on the joints and bones. Incorporating lower impact workouts into your fitness routine can have numerous benefits for your physical and mental health.

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What a Virtual Reality Workout?
Fitness Andrea Jordan Fitness Andrea Jordan

What a Virtual Reality Workout?

A VR workout is a type of exercise routine that involves the use of virtual reality (VR) technology to create an immersive and interactive fitness experience. Instead of using traditional gym equipment or following workout videos, VR workouts allow users to engage in virtual environments that simulate a variety of physical activities, such as running, cycling, boxing, dancing, and more.

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Candle Making
Home and Garden Andrea Jordan Home and Garden Andrea Jordan

Candle Making

The history of candles dates back to ancient times, with the earliest recorded use of candles dating back to the ancient Egyptians, who used rushlights or torches made of reeds dipped in animal fat or beeswax.

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Wearable Workout Technology
Fitness Andrea Jordan Fitness Andrea Jordan

Wearable Workout Technology

Wearable workout technology refers to electronic devices and gadgets that are designed to be worn on the body while engaging in physical exercise or other forms of physical activity. These devices can provide feedback on a variety of metrics related to fitness and health, such as heart rate, distance traveled, calories burned, steps taken, and sleep quality.

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Comfort Food - Pizza!
Food and Drink Andrea Jordan Food and Drink Andrea Jordan

Comfort Food - Pizza!

Pizza is a popular dish that originated in Italy and has become a beloved food around the world. The history of pizza can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Greece, Rome, and Egypt, where flatbreads were a staple food.

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The Rise of E-Bikes
Fitness Andrea Jordan Fitness Andrea Jordan

The Rise of E-Bikes

E-bikes, also known as electric bicycles, are bicycles that are equipped with an electric motor and a battery. The motor assists the rider's pedaling, making it easier to pedal and allowing riders to travel longer distances and climb hills more easily than with a traditional, non-electric bicycle.

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Let’s Create Art Outside!
Kids Corner Andrea Jordan Kids Corner Andrea Jordan

Let’s Create Art Outside!

Learn about the history and versatility of sidewalk chalk, and then make your own homemade chalk with this fun and easy DIY project! Add a pop of color to your outdoor space and enjoy hours of creative fun with your own handmade chalk.

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Kids Corner Andrea Jordan Kids Corner Andrea Jordan


Discover the fascinating history of bubbles and learn how to make your own homemade bubbles with this simple recipe! Whether you're a kid or an adult, blowing bubbles is a fun and easy activity that's sure to bring joy to your day.

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