A blog about products to buy, things to make, food to eat, and places to go.
Celebrating Labor Day: Honoring the Contributions of Workers
Labor Day is more than just a day off work; it's a day to honor the contributions of workers who have built and sustained our societies. As we gather for parades, picnics, and other celebrations, let's not forget the history that led to this significant holiday and the ongoing efforts to improve the lives of workers.
Red, White, and Blue – What Does the Fourth of July Mean to You?
The Fourth of July, also known as Independence Day, is a federal holiday in the United States that celebrates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The document declared the United States' independence from Great Britain and established the country as a new sovereign nation.
Reflecting on the Rich History of Memorial Day Weekend
As Memorial Day weekend approaches each year, it is essential to pause and reflect on the historical significance of this holiday. Beyond the picnics and leisure activities, we must remember the true purpose of this day: to honor and remember those who have paid the ultimate price in service to our nation.
Celebrating Spring: Maypoles
Maypoles are a popular symbol of May Day celebrations, which are held around the world to welcome the arrival of spring. These colorful poles are decorated with ribbons, flowers, and other adornments and are used in traditional dances and other festive activities.
Celebrating Spring with a May Day Basket
May Day is a traditional spring holiday celebrated on May 1st around the world. One of the most popular traditions associated with May Day is the giving of May Day flower baskets.
Earth Day: Building a Sustainable Future
Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22nd worldwide to promote environmental protection and awareness. It is a day to reflect on our relationship with the planet and take action towards a sustainable future.
Blooming Beauty: The Cherry Festival
The Cherry Festival is a yearly celebration that takes place in several parts of the world. It is a time when people come together to celebrate the beauty and bounty of cherry trees, which are known for their gorgeous blossoms and delicious fruit.
The Art of Egg Dyeing
Spring is in the air, flowers are starting to sprout, and robins are out. Which means Easter egg dye is just around the corner. So, break out your smocks, it is time to color to some eggs!