It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane… It’s a Kite!
Colorful kites flying.
The history of kites dates back over 2,000 years. It is believed that the first kite was invented in China during the Han Dynasty (206 BC to 220 AD). The first kites were made of bamboo frames and silk fabric, and were often used for military purposes, such as signaling and measuring distances.
Kites also played an important role in cultural and religious ceremonies in China. They were often decorated with colorful designs and symbols, and were flown to symbolize good luck and prosperity.
Kite-flying eventually spread to other parts of Asia and the Middle East, where it became popular as a form of entertainment. In Japan, kite-flying was a popular pastime among samurai warriors, who used kites to train their eyes and improve their hand-eye coordination.
In the 16th century, kites were introduced to Europe by Marco Polo, and they quickly became popular as a form of recreation. European kite-makers experimented with different shapes and designs, and began to develop kites with multiple lines for greater control.
During the 18th and 19th centuries, kites were used for scientific purposes, such as studying the atmosphere and weather patterns. In the early 20th century, kites were used to test and develop early aircraft designs.
Today, kites continue to be used for recreational purposes, as well as for scientific research and military applications. Kite-flying festivals are held all over the world, showcasing the beauty and diversity of kite designs and cultures.
Making a homemade kite is a fun and easy DIY project that you can do with materials you probably already have at home. Here's a simple way to make a kite:
A sheet of newspaper or a large plastic bag
Two wooden dowels or sticks, one about 90 cm long and another about 75 cm long
Ribbon or streamers (optional)
Lay your newspaper or plastic bag out flat on a table or the ground. Cut out a diamond shape from the material. The kite should be about 60 cm wide and 70 cm long.
Take the two dowels or sticks and lay the longer one vertically down the center of the kite. Place the shorter dowel horizontally across the center of the kite, about a third of the way down from the top.
Tie the two dowels together at the point where they cross using a piece of string. Make sure they are securely tied.
Cut four pieces of string, each about 60 cm long. Tie one piece of string to each end of both the horizontal and vertical dowels. These will be used to attach the kite string.
Cut a long piece of string, about 120 cm long, and tie it to the string attached to the top of the vertical dowel. This will be the kite string.
Tie the other end of the kite string to a small piece of ribbon or streamer, which will help stabilize the kite in the wind.
Finally, tape the ribbon or streamer to the bottom of the kite to finish.
Your homemade kite is now complete! Find a wide-open space with some wind and have fun flying your creation.