A blog about products to buy, things to make, food to eat, and places to go.


Growing Plants Through Hydroponics
Home and Garden Andrea Jordan Home and Garden Andrea Jordan

Growing Plants Through Hydroponics

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, in which the plants are grown in a nutrient-rich solution that is delivered directly to their roots. The roots of the plants are typically supported by an inert medium such as perlite, vermiculite, or rockwool, which provides physical support and helps to maintain the proper moisture level in the growing environment.

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V is for Victory Garden
Home and Garden Andrea Jordan Home and Garden Andrea Jordan

V is for Victory Garden

The concept of victory gardens, also known as war gardens or food gardens for defense, dates back to World War I and II. During these times, there was a shortage of food due to the war effort, and the government encouraged people to grow their own food to help reduce the demand on the public food supply and free up resources for the troops.

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How to Make a Koi Pond
Home and Garden Andrea Jordan Home and Garden Andrea Jordan

How to Make a Koi Pond

The history of koi ponds dates back centuries to ancient China, where carp were originally raised as a food source in rice paddies. Over time, people began to appreciate the beauty of the colorful carp and began selectively breeding them for their ornamental value.

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Candle Making
Home and Garden Andrea Jordan Home and Garden Andrea Jordan

Candle Making

The history of candles dates back to ancient times, with the earliest recorded use of candles dating back to the ancient Egyptians, who used rushlights or torches made of reeds dipped in animal fat or beeswax.

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